Blown away (again) on the Sussex Prairie


Back in July I visited Sussex Prairie Garden in West Sussex for the first time and was blown away by the scale and vision of a garden only five years old.

In mid September I visited again, but stupidly left my camera at home and so only had my phone to capture my visit.  It has taken some time for me to pluck up courage to download the photos, as I was concerned that they really wouldn’t to justice to such wonderful views and combinations.  However, I’m delighted to say that while the photos may not be great, the planting was so stunning I feel the overall effect has been captured, so I’ve finally got round to sharing them.


As before, the planting is on a massive scale but what’s so impressive is how, despite almost all plants which were flowering in July having now ceased, there are plenty of new flowers to admire – particularly classic prairie plants like rudbeckia, echinacea and of course grasses. Although the grasses were in evidence at my first visit, this time they were so much taller and bolder.




As well as the muted grasses, there was still a lot of colour from helianthusIMG_0276

rudbeckia and golden rod.IMG_0270as well as kniphofiaIMG_0268

and the biggest planting of Ipomoea lobata I’ve ever seen.IMG_0250

I think my favourite plant was this Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Glow’ – such a stunning autumnal colour, and gorgeous with the Stipa.

IMG_0260I also loved this shrub which I think is Phytolacca americana or American Pokeweed.  It was a sizeable plant – taller than me!IMG_0264

And, as well as the fabulous planting, like last time, there were some charming sculptures placed around the garden to admire.  I was particularly taken with this charmer, to finish off my post (geddit?)IMG_0279

6 thoughts on “Blown away (again) on the Sussex Prairie

  1. Julie

    What a beautiful garden the Rudbeckia mass planting is startling, for some reason the link is broken to your first post, where in Sussex is this?

    1. jenhumm116 Post author

      Hi Julie, I’ve just added the link I meant to include in this post, thanks for prompting me!
      The garden is in West Sussex, north west of Brighton. It’s closed now for the year, but definitely worth seeking out next year if you can get over there.

  2. AnnetteM

    The pictures have come out well and show the great planting. I love the Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Glow’ in particular. I hope I get a chance to visit when I am down that way next.

  3. Pingback: A scamper round Scampston Hall Walled Garden | Duver Diary

  4. Cathy

    I’m so glad I backtracked on your advice. It really is a lovely garden – I particularly like the way they have used the most MASSIVE blocks of plants. The other thing I’ve noticed (trying to find this post) is how many of your wonderful garden visit posts I’ve missed! I must try to get more regular!


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